tax haven
A state, country or territory where certain taxes are levied at a low rate or not at all. (source:
A state, country or territory where certain taxes are levied at a low rate or not at all. (source:
The sterling pound, or pound, is the official currency of the United Kingdom.
A person who makes risky investments, anticipating a major change in the future price of the asset. (source:
To buy or sell in expectation of profiting from market fluctuations. (source:
The sum or amount of money or its equivalent for which anything is bought, sold, or offered for sale. (source:
The use of banknotes and coins with legal tender status to pay purchases of goods and services.
Any act or attempted act to conceal or disguise the identity of illegally obtained proceeds so that they appear to have originated from legitimate sources.
The use of a mobile phone in order to transfer funds between banks or accounts, deposit or withdraw funds, or pay bills. This term is
A local currency – also know as a complementary or community currency – is tender which is officially separate from the government’s currency. It can
Liquid cash represents the most fluid asset a company can own. These items can include cash, demand deposits, time and savings deposits and short-term saving
Se ha ampliado la temática de este blog, inicialmente creado para informar sobre microfinanza y microempresa, para comentar temas medioambientales tales como el cambio climático, la contaminación y la extinción de especies.
El glosario trilingüe sobre microfinanza y microempresa sigue estando disponible y próximamente se publicará uno específico para términos medioambientales.
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