SIDS is the acronym of «Small Island Developing States» The United Nations has compiled a list of 52 small island countries that are located mainly
SIDS is the acronym of «Small Island Developing States» The United Nations has compiled a list of 52 small island countries that are located mainly
The United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Initiative is an international network of investors working together to put the six Principles for Responsible Investment
According to Economist magazine, in 1994 John Elkington founded a British company named Sustainability and coined the term “triple bottom line» (criteria for measuring organizational
A mode of human development in which resource use aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met
Emissions of socially responsible bonds are used to finance projects that generate positive environmental or social impact.
Business sustainability represents resiliency over time – businesses that can survive shocks because they are intimately connected to healthy economic, social and environmental systems. These
Social enterprises are businesses that trade to tackle social problems, improve communities, people’s life chances, or the environment. They make their money from selling goods
Slow Money is a movement to organize investors and donors to steer new sources of capital to small food enterprises, organic farms, and local food
A number of different voluntary practices to simplify one’s lifestyle. These may include reducing one’s possessions or increasing self-sufficiency, for example. Simple living may be
Responsible finance focus on client protection and social performance management.
Se ha ampliado la temática de este blog, inicialmente creado para informar sobre microfinanza y microempresa, para comentar temas medioambientales tales como el cambio climático, la contaminación y la extinción de especies.
El glosario trilingüe sobre microfinanza y microempresa sigue estando disponible y próximamente se publicará uno específico para términos medioambientales.
Las personas interesadas en las microfinanzas pueden acceder a noticias en la página de Facebook Microfinance News
Las personas interesadas en el cambio climático pueden acceder a noticias en la página de facebook Climate Change News
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